Compassion is proud to support farmers who do the right thing for the animals and the land in their charge as well as the wildlife whose homes are in the countryside.
In previous blogs, I interviewed John Meadley of the Pasture-Fed Livestock Association. He promotes the production of pasture-fed meat from such ruminant animals as cows and sheep.
I also spoke with Graham Harvey, the former ‘Archers’ agricultural editor. Graham launched Pasture Promise TV to promote farmers whose philosophy includes animal welfare and biodiversity and the environment.
Of course, we were founded by ex-dairy farmers Peter and Anna Roberts. They were so outraged by the development of factory farming in the 1960s that they set out to do something about it by founding Compassion in World Farming.
George Atkinson is a farmer who also wants to do the right thing. His farm is in the Hampshire village where I live. We bump into each other often either in the village or when I’m walking our dog, Duke. Recently, he wound down the window of his truck to tell me excitedly that his farm is one of eight finalists in the RSPB’s national Telegraph Nature of Farming Award. I am thrilled for him. But I am not necessarily surprised. He speaks passionately about the need to protect wildlife and the countryside as he farms. I also know his son is researching how to protect Barn Owls and boost their numbers.
I really welcome the RSPB’s initiative to celebrate wildlife-friendly farmers. Please visit the RSPB’s Telegraph Nature of Farming Award to learn about all eight finalists. Vote for the one that you think is making the greatest difference. But hurry! You have until 31st August to vote.
By the way, did you know that this week is National Countryside Week, a theme promoted by the Prince’s Countryside Fund? I know from my meeting with HRH Prince of Wales that the Prince cares passionately about the British countryside and farming. He famously supports organic farming and has spoken out against factory farming.
I believe we should celebrate the British countryside every day and every week, supporting the work of farmers who do the right thing by caring about the animals and the land in their charge. I vote with enthusiasm in the RSPB’s ‘Nature of Farming’ Award scheme and hope that it will inspire others to farm in ways that protect the countryside. I hope you will too.