The government is not enforcing EU regulations on slaughter, meaning hundreds of millions of chickens could be suffering horrific deaths in the UK every year.
Compassion in World farming has been informed that the level of electric current being used to stun chickens for Halal meat is not stunning them effectively. Instead they are receiving a painful electric shock which immobilises them before they have their throats cut whilst fully conscious.
To me, the issue is not whether the meat is Halal or not, but whether the animals were killed in a way that minimises suffering – i.e. with effective pre-slaughter stunning. Without this, the science shows that they suffer extreme pain, distress and anxiety, so the Government needs to enforce the law and ensure effective stunning.
Please take urgent action by signing the British Veterinary Association’s petition to end non-stun slaughter and implement effective stunning.
Please also visit the Compassion in World Farming website for more information.
Thank you for your support.