“Plundering the seas to feed factory farms.”
During my trip to Peru, I visited Asia Island, home to the Peruvian Booby. I was told that out in the oceans, was the last link between factory farmed animals and our plate.
Millions of tonnes of small ocean-going fish were being hauled out of the ocean and shipped off to be fed to factory farmed animals. The Peruvian Booby feeds on the fish – and there is the link – if the fish go, the birds go too. Stefan Austermühle, a local conservationist, described to me just how drastic the depletion of this species had been. If we were to go back 60 years, the island would be covered in seabirds like the Booby.
Have a look here at my latest film to see how Asia Island has been all but deserted by seabirds and the reason why we should stop plundering the seas to feed factory farms.
For your copy of ‘Farmageddon: The true cost of cheap meat’, click here.