In my final film from my Farmageddon travels, I visited the community at the forefront of the swine flu pandemic in 2009.
Speaking to a local official, he tells me that yet more land is going to be used to develop pig factory farms. “They could use the land for agriculture – for corn, beans – these are things the community needs and would bring jobs.” Instead, the powerful pig industry plans to bring in intensive pig farms that don’t bring jobs for the local community. What they bring is pollution, smells and sickness breakouts.
It’s a depressing struggle for the people of the community against these intensive farms; moving onto their land and scarring their community further with pollution and threatening their health. It’s hard to see who benefits from these arrangements. In the battle against factory farming, La Gloria is losing. The pigs don’t want to be kept in factory farms – they’re not winning. The locals don’t want to live next to factory farms – they’re not winning. So who is? It’s a high price to pay for so-called cheap meat.
Watch my latest film for more on pigs versus people.
For your copy of ‘Farmageddon: The true cost of cheap meat’, click here.