I recently shared with you the wonderful news that the world’s biggest retailer, Walmart, has adopted a ground-breaking animal welfare policy. I am thrilled to say that a similar move has now been taken in the USA by Compass Group, the world’s largest food service company.
Compass Group, which provides catering services to universities, corporate cafés, arenas, and more, has issued a comprehensive set of policies and renewed commitments on improving farm animal welfare within its US supply chain.
Compassion in World Farming worked closely in the US with Compass to develop benchmarks and goals for phasing out cruel and outdated farming practices. Today, Compass has become a leader in farm animal welfare policies for food businesses and I congratulate them.
When a food giant like Compass Group commits to higher animal welfare, they pave the way for other companies to follow suit.
Since joining Compassion as CEO, I’ve strongly believed in harnessing the power of corporations to change the game for farm animals. Since 2007, we’ve worked with over 600 companies worldwide to bring real welfare benefits to over 250 million animals every year.
With every new company that comes on board, we take another step forward to a day when the only factory farm left is an empty one.