I recently returned from Sumatra where I was following up leads on the connection between factory farming and the demise of iconic species like the critically endangered Sumatran elephant. I was researching for the sequel to Farmageddon, which again is to be published in due course by Bloomsbury.
Having learned more about the plight of elephants, I spoke with a good friend and supporter of Compassion, Duncan McNair, the founder and CEO of Save The Asian Elephant (STAE) for feedback and advice. During our conversation, Duncan told me about his urgent petition to help save the elephants, which you can sign here.
I wish Duncan’s organisation the very best with their work in pressing for better protection of elephants in high level talks with the likes of the Foreign Office and DEFRA. They are working hard to relieve the terrible brutality inflicted on the dwindling world populations of this ancient species.
And I hope to soon bring you news of those links between the cheap meat on our plate and the plight of elephants in Asia.