Archive resources
We are not saying the old ones are the best, but these have stood the test of time. The basic science and ethical issues which applied when we published our Genetic Engineering & Farm Animals film and teachers’ pack in 1997 still apply today. We also know for sure that many teachers continue to use the film because of its power to stimulate discussion and debate.
The historical context, of course, can only add to the interest! Discussions about meat consumption have continued to increase since we launched our Eat Less Meat film in 2004. Concerns about the effects of high levels of meat consumption on the human health, food security, the environment and animal welfare are not going to go away.
The effects of the rules of the World Trade Organisation, documented in our 2002 film WTO – Wrecking Animal Protection, continue to impact on attempts to protect animals and the environment.
For those interested in the progress of animal protection law, our Campaigning for Farm Animals Citizenship booklets tell the story of the UK ban on sow stall cages which went through Parliament in the early ‘90s and the EU ban on battery cages which was announced at the end of that decade and passed into law in 2012. The activities would work as well today; actually probably better with the addition of internet access. We still have hard copies of these if you would like to order them.
We have added all of these archive films to our newly updated Farm Animals & Us DVD-ROM which can be ordered free for schools using our online order form.
The resources can also be downloaded, and the films viewed, at the links below.
Archive downloads
- Genetic engineering teachers’ pack (5921.06KB). Contains notes on Genetic Engineering, Selective Breeding and Natural Selection. Includes discussion activities and a crossword (1997).
- Campaigning for Farm Animal Welfare students’ booklet (1758.75KB) and teachers’ booklet (607.69KB). Citizenship resource (ages 11-18). Students’ booklet uses examples of campaigns to teach how campaigns have changed the law in Britain and Europe to protect farm animals like pigs and battery hens. Range of lesson and homework ideas in teachers’ booklet (2001).
- Intensive farming booklet (1630.86KB). This information booklet contains facts, figures and scientific detail about intensive animal farming and its alternatives. How does it affect the welfare of animals, the environment, food security and rural employment? How can we feed the world without cruelty to animals? Also covers selective breeding and its effects on farm animal welfare (2002).
Archive films (suitable for ages 14 to adult)
Eat Less Meat – It’s Costing the Earth (2004)
See the effect of rising meat consumption on the environment, world poverty, human health and the welfare of animals.
17 minutes - for ages 14 to adult
Please download this film to save on your computer or network in wmv format. For other formats of this or our other education films, please go to our film download site.
WTO – Wrecking Animal Protection (2002)
See how World Trade Rules have damaged attempts to protect dolphins and turtles, to prevent cruelty to animals reared or caught for fur, to ban cosmetic testing on animals and made it harder to pass laws to protect farm animals such as battery hens and intensively reared meat chickens.
11 minutes - for ages 14 to adult, containing scenes which some will find distressing to watch
Update. Since this film was made, the European Union has decided to uphold the ban on the conventional battery cage from 2012.
Please download this film to save on your computer or network in wmv format. For other formats of this or our other education films, please go to our film download site.
Genetic Engineering & Farm Animals (1997)
This film discusses the science and the welfare implications of the genetic engineering of farm animals.
Along with the other archive films, Genetic Engineering & Farm Animals is included in our Farm Animals & Us DVD-ROM which can be ordered here. You can also download this film to save on your computer or network in wmv format. For other formats of this or our other education films, please go to our film download site.
19 minutes - for ages 14 to adult
Ordering the films
These films are available free to schools and colleges, otherwise for £5, along with pdfs of the teachers’ pack as part of our Farm Animals and Us DVD compilation which can be ordered online or using our educational resources leaflet.
The Farm Animals & Us films and some other education films are available on our YouTube channel. The Eat Less Meat and WTO films can be viewed on our Vimeo channel.