Farm Animals and Us
Includes activities suitable for year students aged 10 to adult.
Many students prefer not to join in whole group discussion but are happy to talk in small groups. The worksheets and discussion activities in the Farm Animals & Us Teachers’ Pack are designed to encourage balanced small group discussion and self-analysis whilst teaching about farming using many concrete examples.
We are in the process of updating these materials which will become available as they are completed.
The following resources have been updated:
We expect to add to both of these resources over the coming years.
Meanwhile, the original Farm Animals & Us Teachers’ Pack contains a range of activities designed to promote group discussion and analysis of ethical values including worksheets and lesson plans. These include:
- Where Do You Draw the Line? Small group discussion activity with a range of cards illustrating farm animal welfare issues
- How Do Animals Matter? Three small group activities with simple philosophical, environmental or religious statements for discussion
Additional teaching resources are available at:
- Animal Welfare Aspects of Good Agricultural Practice: pig production for college resources on pig welfare
- Archive resources for teachers including the Genetic Engineering Teachers’ Pack.
Farm Animals & Us Teachers’ Pack in detail
Where do you draw the line?
Small group discussion activity with a range of cards illustrating farm animal welfare issues.

Two cards from the Where Do You Draw the Line? exercise designed to promote small group discussion.
Available both in colour and in black and white (for easy photocopying), students discuss how far they agree with 32 issues concerned with the welfare of farm animals.
How do animals matter?
Three small group activities with a range of cards with statements for discussion.

The two cards above are from How Do Animals Matter - a range of philosophical viewpoints.
This is a small group discussion exercise - students discuss how far they agree or disagree with each statement.

Two cards from How Do Animals Matter - opinions religious and secular.
As well as discussing the rights and wrongs of issues, students can discuss which religions would agree or disagree with each statement.
Personality test
Self assessing exercise to analyse attitudes to animal issues. Version 1 for students aged 14 and over, including university students. Version 2 for younger students.

This exercise analyses attitudes to animal issues. Each question looks at a range of food and farming issues from animal rights, animal welfare, sustainable development and "humans come first" viewpoints. Students tick the statements they agree with.
Such a good introduction. Finding out what moral stance they were coming from engaged them.
Head of Religious Studies in High School
Science worksheets
Two worksheets targeting the science curriculum. Suitable for ages 14-18.
These two worksheets target the science curriculum at KS4. Both contain crosswords to reinforce biological terms and opinion-forming activities to encourage thought about ethical issues in science.
Looking for something else?
See also the Farm Animals and Us DVD compilation which includes the films as well as pdfs of the pack.
Comments from teachers and lecturers are very much valued and help us to evaluate and improve our educational resources.
Please feel free to contact us or use our evaluation form. The views of students would also be much appreciated.