M&S bans cruel white veal and calves' liver
On Monday 8th October Marks & Spencer announced that it will stop selling imported white veal and calves' liver. From January 2008 M&S will only sell high-welfare UK rose veal.
Read moreChicken Out!
Compassion in World Farming is championing the campaign by Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall to turn the Devon town of Axminster into a free-range haven for chickens.
Read moreEU not protecting animals in transport
A new and shocking film "Forbidden Journeys" shows that the EU is not doing enough to protect the health and welfare of animals in transport.
Read moreGood news for caged hens in Australia
Australia's Capital Territory (ACT) has made a commitment to start sourcing cage free eggs in all Governmental facilities such as schools, tuckshops, public hospitals and prisons.