A disaster waiting in the wings
Early in 2007, the United Nations' FAO research report stated that densely-populated livestock production generates "significant animal and public health risks."
Read moreVeal update: Tesco launches organic option
Supermarket shoppers will have the chance to make a difference to the welfare of British calves by supporting UK organic veal production: since the end of November 2007 Tesco has been selling organic rose veal produced by Helen Browning's…
Read moreDefra urged to end live animal exports
"Trade in meat, not live animals" was the strong message from Compassion in World Farming staff and supporters who gathered outside Defra's London Headquarters on 14 December.
Read moreVeal update: Selfridges removes veal from shelves
Selfridges is removing veal from its shelves after Compassion in World Farming discovered calves kept in narrow pens little wider than veal crates at farms in the Netherlands.
Read moreFearnley-Whittingstall gives London a Good Egg Award
On 13 December, Celebrity chef Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall presented the Mayor of London, Ken Livingstone, with a Good Egg award on behalf of Compassion in World Farming.
Read moreHRH The Prince of Wales and Joanna Lumley awarded
HRH The Prince of Wales was celebrated for his outstanding contribution to the promotion of organic farming at Compassion in World Farming's fundraising dinner in London on 1 December.