Published 19/01/2011
The high welfare message is being championed by an ever expanding range of companies. Now pet owners can choose pet food that reflects their own values on animal welfare.
The Penlan Farm range of pet food from Burns Pet Nutrition is made with free-range eggs, and organic chicken amongst a host of other locally and ethically sourced ingredients.
Compassion are delighted that Burns Pet Nutrition shares our vision of high welfare farming.
Founder of Burns Pet Nutrition, John Burns, said:
"We are proud to follow the principle of producing pet food locally, with high standards of animal welfare, using sustainable farming methods and take into consideration the concern for the environment and wildlife."
What sets Burns Pet Nutrition apart?
Veterinary Surgeon John Burns founded Burns Pet Nutrition in 1993 based on his belief that pets should be fed a home-made diet of brown rice, vegetables and chicken, fish or meat sold for human consumption.
The Penlan Farm range is the latest culmination of this vision, giving people the option to feed their pets in a way that reflects their own values on animal welfare and food.
High Standards
The company is well known for its wide range of high quality products, expert nutritional advice and high ethical standards.
Penlan Farm is managed sustainably using organic techniques with animal welfare, conservation and the provision of wildlife habitats of upmost importance. Penlan Farm's grasslands are non-intensively managed to ensure they benefit and support local wildlife.
As well as producing seasonal vegetables for the new food range, the farm also grows oats and wheat for the free range chickens which are providing the eggs for one of the new varieties.
The chickens are kept in small flocks, each with its own specially designed shed and the run of a field, to reduce stress and allow for natural behaviour.
Penlan Farm provides high standards of welfare for their chickens. However, elsewhere, millions of egg laying hens and broiler chickens are still kept in cruel factory farm conditions. They desperately need your help to encourage other companies to follow Penlan Farm's lead towards a free range future.
Find out more about the issues egg laying hens and broiler chickens face and how you can help us to give them a better quality of life.