Royal Wedding fever takes over the farm
Two inseparable pygmy goat kids have been named "Kate" and "William", in honour of the Royal Wedding.
Read moreLabelling amendments pass EU parliament first stage
A majority of MEPs have voted yes in the first stage of food labelling amendments, taking them one step closer to becoming law.
Read moreMega-dairies and big pig farms
The recent publicity given to proposals for new "mega-farms" has highlighted the question of whether big is bad when it comes to farm size. Compassion in World Farming sees the trend toward larger-scale industrialised farming as a real concern
Read moreThe Big Move across the EU
On Tuesday 19 April 2011, a normal weekday lunchtime was turned upside down when Compassion in World Farming showed up at Trafalgar Square in London to defend the EU-wide implementation of a ban on barren battery cages.
Read moreSupporters go extra mile for Compassion
Our sincere thanks go to our loyal supporters who braved the London Marathon on Sunday 17th April.
Read moreCompassion objects to Welsh mega-dairy plans
Compassion in World Farming has taken another important step in our fight to stop the introduction of US-style mega-dairies to the UK, submitting a ten-page objection to a planning application for in Powys, Wales.
Read moreUrge MEPs: vote to label meat from unstunned animals
On 19 April the European Parliament's Environment Committee will vote on an amendment which would require meat that comes from animals that have not been stunned before slaughter to be labelled "meat from slaughter without stunning".
Read moreBill Oddie changes his name for farm animal welfare
The TV presenter-comedian formerly known as Bill Oddie revealed on 1st April that he had changed his name to William Free-Range-Oddie. While legally, this isn't strictly true, Bill's motivation for taking part in the April Fool comes from the…