Published 28/04/2011
Two inseparable pygmy goat kids have been named 'Kate' and 'William', in honour of the Royal Wedding.
Stephen Mason, a volunteer at Compassion in World Farming, is studying at Merrist Wood College in Guildford, Surrey, where two pygmy goats were recently born.
Stephen decided to name the goats in honour of Prince William and Kate Middleton's wedding.
The two animals have been inseparable since they first met and Kate (the darker of the two pygmy goats) apparently loves to climb while William (the fairer of the two) is the inquisitive one.
Adorable Kate and William are approximately the size of Yorkshire terrier dogs at the moment, and won't grow any bigger than 58cm in height.
Stephen says: "With wedding fever in full swing, and the two pygmy kids never wanting to be apart, it was hard to think of more suitable names!"
These sociable goats roam free among many other animals at the Merrist Wood farm, including pigs, sheep, cows and chickens.
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