Published 15/11/2012

It turns out that pigs can fly (and sing!), according to Make it Possible – a new campaign providing a different perspective on the fight against factory farming. We take a look...
Exposing the true cost of factory farming
Compassion in World Farming is not the only organisation exposing the true cost of factory farming. Another example is animal-welfare organisation Animals Australia, which recently launched Make it Possible1. The campaign looks at the broader impacts of factory farming, including pollution, resource waste and food insecurity:
Pigs might fly
The campaign centrepiece is an all-singing, all-flying CGI-fuelled film, which sees a host of factory-farmed animals dreaming of a better future; a future with sufficient room to move, with fresh air, with daylight... (all of which are typically denied in factory farms):
Changing consumer behaviours
Make it Possible is fighting for a world without factory farming. Animals Australia’s plan is to inform and empower consumers to choose humane-sustainable products rather than factory-farmed ones. As they say – "everybody has the power to make a world without factory farming possible"(20122).
Our sources
Huge thanks for the image