Published 05/04/2013

Here's an interesting infographic/video, which explores "flexitarianism", or "flexible vegetarianism" – a diet of less meat and more veg (it does not, as this amusing Guardian article suggests, focus on the consumption of bendy vegetables).
The video looks at the American diet, but the ideas are universally relevant.
The Age of "Flexitarianism" Infographic from Linda Shirar on Vimeo.
We blogged about flexitarianism back in 2012 and there doesn't seem to be any loss of appetite for the idea. According to this Metro article, "there has been a seismic shift in attitudes towards celebrating vegetables and opting to eat less meat. We expect meat-free eating and flexitarianism to soon be a mega trend." (Charles Banks, director of food-trends agency The Food People).
Food for thought, that's for sure.