Published 05/02/2014

Last night Joanna Lumley officially launched Philip Lymbery and Isabel Oakeshott's new book, Farmageddon, at Daunt Books in London.
Compassion in World Farming's longest-standing patron, Joanna said: "This is another 'inconvenient truth', it is something we wish we hadn't found out, but it is something we must all work to change. The subject matter is so important to the future of the planet, the future for people and animals."
The book investigates the sad reality that farming around the world has changed dramatically. Seemingly, without fuss or fanfare, farm animals have slowly disappeared from fields and moved into cramped barns or worse.
Farmageddon highlights the power consumers have to drive change. Every day, each of us can make the choice to create a kinder, saner food system through the culinary decisions that we take.
Simple measures such as eating what we buy instead of wasting it and eating less but higher welfare meat. When consumers choose alternatives to industrial factory farming such as free-range, pasture-raised or organic produce then supermarkets and policymakers take note. We can all make a difference, and that's empowering.
Philip says, in Farmageddon: "I'm trying to push through the marketing gloss of 'cheap' meat. The long tentacles of the global food system are wrapped around the food on our plate. This book sheds light on what they don't want you to know and asks, could there be a better way?"
Find out more
- Farmageddon is now available in all good bookshops, or you can buy a copy here. All proceeds from the book will go to Compassion in World Farming.
- Find out more about Farmageddon.