Gadhimai – a bloodbath no more
This week, animal sacrifices at Nepal’s Gadhimai festival were banned by religious leaders at the temple where the event is held. Here, we explore how – with your passion and support – the world's largest animal massacre has come to an end.
Read moreFarewell Sir Peter O’Sullevan – Our Much-Loved Patron
Sir Peter O’Sullevan, who has died aged 97, spent his life in the racing world, as a renowned BBC commentator and writer. But behind the astute and kindly exterior was a dedicated campaigner for farm animal welfare.
Read moreSuccess as animal sacrifice banned at Gadhimai Festival
The world’s largest animal sacrifice to be held in one place has been banned by the Temple’s own committee: the Gadhimai festival will no longer slaughter tens of thousands of animals.
Read moreDr. Bronner’s soap promotion cleans up for Compassion!
Dr. Bronner’s teamed up with us and raised £25,500 to support the fight against factory farming.
Read moreNew toy exposes hidden truth about factory farming
Each year, 50 billion farm animals are processed in “animal sweatshops” known as factory farms. But it’s not a well-known fact. So we've created YOUR FARM – The Honest Farm Toy to show what life is really like down on the farm. Here’s the…
Read moreBird Flu Confirmed in the UK
An outbreak of the H7N7 strain of bird flu has been confirmed at a poultry farm in Lancashire.
Read more300 million hens are still in cages
The EU battery cage ban has not protected hens as we had hoped
Read moreThe rise of "Ag TV"
Former JLS superstar JB Gill is set to launch a new farming show for CBeebies, which got us thinking about other farming shows on TV. It seems there's one for every audience. Here, we look at the rise of Ag TV – and what it so often fails to…