Published 21/05/2016

The University of Winchester is launching a new Centre for Animal Welfare at a special event today, 21st May 2016. The centre will be a vibrant hub for events, teaching and research on the subject of animal welfare – one of just 20 or 30 similar institutions worldwide.
Powerful partnership
Education is a crucial tool for spreading awareness of animal welfare and inspiring the next generation with respect for animals. That’s why we were so proud last year to sign an agreement with The University of Winchester, entering into a partnership with the shared goal of advancing the welfare of animals through research and education.
High-profile animal advocates Peter Egan – who is one of our patrons – and Heather Mills, will speak at today’s event, marking the official inauguration of the Centre.
The foundation of the Centre will see new courses focussed on animal welfare being introduced at the University, including a BA in Animal Welfare and Society and a Masters in Animal Welfare Science, Ethics and Law.
Hard work and expertise
Our CEO, Philip Lymbery, said: “I am thrilled at this opportunity to strengthen our academic bond with the University and so proud to see all the hard work culminating in today’s launch. I have no doubt that countless animals will come to benefit from the animal welfare expertise passed on to students, visitors and others that have been involved with the Centre.”
In 2009, Winchester was the first UK University to receive our Good Egg award, followed by our Good Chicken award in 2010 - more proof of the forward-thinking, compassionate attitude that characterises the institution.
Compassion in World Farming is working to ensure a better future for farm animals around the world. Please consider making a donation today to help stop factory farming – the biggest form of animal cruelty on the planet.