Published 16/06/2016

We are extremely concerned that Turkey has announced it will start importing live animals from Ireland.
Thousands of vulnerable Irish calves are set to suffer on these long journeys in horrific conditions, which our investigations into live exports from EU to non-EU countries have repeatedly shown.
Squalid conditions
Most recently, a report published by animal protection groups Eyes on Animals, Animal Welfare Foundation, and Tierschutzbund Zürich, and supported by Compassion in World Farming, revealed truly horrendous conditions inflicted on animals being transported from the EU into Turkey.
Once Ireland begins exporting animals to Turkey, they will likely be inflicted with the same suffering: delays at the border, squalid conditions, extreme heat, and desperate hunger and thirst.
Suffering beyond imagining
Carol McKenna, our Director of Campaigns, said: “The suffering these animals will endure on such long journeys is almost beyond imagining.
“This is a trade in which profit is systematically being placed above animal welfare and respect for the law. It needs to be stopped immediately.”
This sad news will not deter us from continuing to fight against live exports.