Published 23/11/2016

Many of us will have fond memories of rabbits from our childhood – from Peter Rabbit and Bugs Bunny to the White Rabbit from Alice in Wonderland.
Cherished pets, fairy tale heroes
Despite being cherished pets and heroes of many of the bedtime stories we tell our children, there are no species-specific laws in the EU designed to protect rabbits’ welfare. Unfortunately, this means the reality of how most rabbits are farmed in the EU is a far cry from the fairy-tale lives they live in children’s stories. Around 320 million per year in the EU are raised in cramped, filthy, barren cages.
A key vote in the European Parliament next year could help us finally start bridging the gap between fairy tale and reality. We intend to deliver children’s drawings of rabbits to all 751 MEPs to urge them to have some compassion and vote in favour of introducing legislation on the welfare of rabbits.
Next big step
We are calling for original drawings from children across the EU – so if you know any children who would like to help End the Cage Age for rabbits, get them involved!
In May this year, we handed in our 600,000 signature-strong petition to Europe’s Agriculture Ministers, asking for an end to the farming of rabbits in cages – our biggest ever online petition. This vote could be the next big step on the path to a better future for rabbits. Tell your friends and family and help us make the future happen!
Click here to download the submission form.