Published 24/01/2017

The latest Business Benchmark on Farm Animal Welfare (BBFAW) report is out and it is good news for animal welfare.
Now in its fifth year, the BBFAW provides an annual review of how 99 of the world’s leading food companies are managing risks and opportunities associated with farm animal welfare.
Pushing progress forward
Our CEO, Philip Lymbery said: “We have witnessed some monumental market shifts for animal welfare since the last BBFAW report. Stakeholders and investors are pushing this progress forwards, reflecting the wishes of the vast majority of consumers today. It is increasingly clear that this is an issue which cannot be ignored by companies and we congratulate those that are moving up the ranking and driving progress in animal welfare across the food industry.”
Twelve more companies have been benchmarked than in the previous year and 26 of the 99 companies have moved up at least one tier, in the league table.
In 2012, 46% of companies published farm animal welfare policies. This year, it increased to 73%. According to BBFAW Executive Director, Nicky Amos, this shows “a clear indication that the food industry is finally starting to treat farm animal welfare as an important business issue”.
Leading the way
UK food producer, Cranswick, and Swiss retail cooperative, Migros, join Coop Switzerland, Marks & Spencer, Noble Foods and Waitrose in attaining the highest marks for their management and reporting on farm animal welfare.
The report, which is compiled in collaboration with World Animal Protection and investment firm, Coller Capital, reveals that companies are paying increased attention to farm animal welfare within their supply chains.
BBFAW Advisor, Rory Sullivan, commented: “The Benchmark shows that investors are key agents of change. They are sending a clear signal to companies that they expect food companies to effectively manage the systemic risks and opportunities posed by farm animal welfare, and it is clear that companies are responding to these expectations”.
The full report can be found at
Compassion's involvement in the BBFAW is supported by the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation.