Published 28/02/2017

The EU Agriculture Committee recently backed a report calling for the phasing out of caged rabbit farming. This is a major step towards protecting Europe’s farmed rabbits. Now we are pushing to ensure MEPs vote to End the Cage Age in an upcoming plenary vote.
All Eyes Are On You
Today a series of billboards will be unveiled in key Brussels locations making Europe’s rabbits impossible to ignore. The billboards ask: ‘All Eyes Are On You, Will You End The Cage Age For Rabbits?’
The billboards were made possible through the generosity of Compassion supporters, and they will remain on display for two weeks.
The vote

In January, members of the European Parliament’s Agriculture Committee voted in favour of a report that set out key improvements for rabbit welfare. This report could pave the way for the protection of over 320 million* farmed rabbits across the EU. Unfortunately, the amendment that included legislation did not pass at that stage, however, we are now continuing to push for species-specific legislation in the imminent plenary session.
It is hoped that the billboards, together with Compassion staff on the ground in Brussels to lobby MEPs wavering about their vote, will be a force strong enough to sway the plenary vote in favour of the report which calls for the phasing out of cages. MEPs will have the opportunity to vote on this too in the plenary session, which could send a clear signal to the Commission to introduce much needed species-specific legislation.
End the Cage Age for Rabbits
Currently, over 99% of rabbits farmed for meat in the EU spend their lives confined in tiny, barren cages, unable to express their natural behaviours.
James West our Senior Campaign Manager said:
‘‘It's time to End the Cage Age. All eyes really are on the 751 MEPs in the upcoming plenary session and we urge them to take notice of the positive change that they can make for Europe’s 320 million caged rabbits, with their vote.’’
The plenary vote is set for the week commencing 13th March and we hope that MEPs’ votes will reflect the vital need to End the Cage Age for Europe’s rabbits.
* Estimated FAOSTAT figures for 2010-13