Published 10/03/2017

On 9th March, Joanna Lumley officially launched Philip Lymbery’s second book, Dead Zone: Where the Wild Things Were, at Daunt Books in London.
Devastating impact
The book is the culmination of a gruelling two-year investigation by our CEO. In it, he has exposed how factory farming is having a devastating impact on our most precious and iconic wildlife, pushing it to the brink of extinction.
It reveals that in the 50 years since factory farming was widely adopted, half of the world’s wildlife has disappeared.
A must-read
Speaking of the book, Joanna Lumley said: “Dead Zone is a must-read for everyone who loves the wondrous wild creatures with whom we share our precious planet.”
Dead Zone uncovers how jaguars and elephants are losing their rainforest homes as land is cleared to make way for intensive crop plantations, destined to feed animals on factory farms, many of which are in Europe. It shows how the mixed farmland habitats of barn owls, skylarks and storks are being stripped away to produce cheap animal feed – leading to massive declines in numbers.
In it, the reader will discover how large quantities of fish on which penguins, puffins, dolphins and whales depend for survival are being removed from the sea and ground down into fishmeal – to be shipped across the globe and fed back to farmed fish, chickens, and pigs.
Philip Lymbery, said: “In writing this book, I’ve discovered the two destructive sides to factory farming: the cruelty inflicted on farm animals on a massive scale, and the impact it has on the environment and our much-loved wildlife.”
Get your copy now
Dead Zone is available to buy online or instore from most good bookshops. Remember to leave a review on Amazon once you’ve read it and let us know what you think! Royalties from the book will help us to continue our fight against factory farming.