Published 07/08/2017

We are delighted to announce that this year’s Stop Live Transport: International Awareness Day will be held on Wednesday 13th September.
Global day of action
On 13th September there will be a number of events held around the globe with one clear message: Stop Live Transport. Events will being held across the world, to build awareness and demonstrate global opposition to this horrific trade.
We will be holding our flagship event in London (exact location to be confirmed) on this day, from 12.30pm to 2.30pm.
Horrifying journeys
Millions of live animals are transported thousands of kilometres every year. These long journeys result in immense suffering. Many animals receive insufficient food, water, rest and space to move, and face inhumane treatment at slaughter.
We are encouraging people to speak up for farm animals and make it clear that it’s time to stop these horrifying journeys.
Quash this cruel trade
Disappointingly, we have been informed by KAALE (Kent Action Against Live Transport) that they expect the first live animal shipment of the year to leave from Ramsgate, UK, this week, on Wednesday 9th August.
Whilst we hope this shipment will not occur, the news acts as a stark reminder of this cruel and unnecessary trade. We will continue to support KAALE and TALE (Thanet Against Live Exports) as we work together to quash long distance transport.
A voice for millions
We hope to see you on 13th September, however if you are unable to attend this event or want to learn more, please do check out other ways to get involved and be a voice for millions of animals around the globe.