Published 25/09/2018

Making history
Today (25th September), we launch our biggest ever campaign and make history for farm animals across the EU. Alongside more than 130 other animal welfare, animal rights and environmental organisations, we are at the European Parliament, calling on the European Commission to End the Cage Age.
The European Parliament launch
The launch event was attended by MEPs, partner NGOs and a host of speakers including our CEO, Philip Lymbery. He said:
“We’re all coming together for a single aim – to end the cage age. So many different organisations from so many different countries have joined forces to push the button on the beginning of the end.
“We’re a continent standing up against cruelty. We’re the generation that is going to make things happen. We’re the generation that will end the cage age.”

Other inspirational speakers included MEP Eleonora Evi, MEP Stefan Eck, MEP John Flack and Ruud Zanders, co-founder of Kipster amongst others. The launch event included the unveiling of our exhibition; showing the stark contrast between the reality of caged farming, and the way that it could and should be.
Olga Kikou, Head of Compassion in World Farming EU, and Substitute Chair for the Citizens’ Committee said: “A life spent in a cage is no life at all.”
The event was co-hosted by the Intergroup of Animal Welfare, cage-free sub-group.

The impact on farm animals
Over 300 million farm animals are kept in cages in Europe, every year. We have the opportunity to have these banned – for good. If one million European citizens sign the End the Cage Age European Citizens Initiative, it could mean a seismic change for farmed animals within the EU and the most monumental impact on farm animals in living memory.
MEP Stefan Eck stated: “I have a dream of a world without these barriers, without cages. Today is a symbol of hope.”
Take action
Cage farming is a nightmare that we can end so please: sign the UK petition if you’re a UK citizen, or sign the EU petition if you’re an EU citizen. Share on social media, and learn more about what you can do to help ensure a future free of cages. Together, we can #EndTheCageAge