Published 05/06/2019

We are delighted to announce the first winner of our essay competition, designed for students on the Animal Welfare courses at our partnership university, Winchester.
And the winner is…
The winner, Emma Simmons, lives in Hampshire with her husband, Paul and is studying for her master’s degree in Animal Welfare Science, Ethics and Law at the University of Winchester. Emma founded Heart of the Herd in 2007, combining sanctuary for old, unwanted and slaughter-bound equines, complimentary therapies for horses and other animals, and coaching for owners wanting to improve their relationship with the animals in their care.
A passion for animal welfare
Whilst Emma also holds a BSc in Applied Animal Behaviour, her passion is welfare, raising awareness of the abuse and exploitation experienced by countless sentient beings in both agriculture and 'sport' and adding her voice to those working to make this a kinder and more compassionate world. Emma has tackled a hidden cruelty linking exploitation of pregnant mares to factory farming practices – and she has done so with passion.
We congratulate her on her winning essay and hope that increased exposure to such horrors may support the campaign to end them. Well done Emma!
You can read Emma's winning essay here.