Published 23/06/2020

We are delighted to announce that the Scottish Government’s request – made earlier this month (15th June) – to delay the upcoming court case has been denied. Having contested the application of an extension and won, the hearing will now go ahead on 8th and 9th October.
Unlawful and must be stopped
In February, we launched Judicial Review proceedings against the Scottish Government over the export of unweaned calves – arguing that, since the legal requirements for feed on journeys over eight hours aren't being met, these journeys are unlawful and must be stopped.
While we await the court hearing, calves will continue to be exported on torturous journeys from our shores during which they routinely experience pain, stress, overcrowding, exhaustion and dehydration.
Determined to continue our fight
“It is shameful that the Scottish Government attempted to delay this case. Nothing will deter us from demanding justice for the thousands of young, vulnerable calves exported from the UK each year,” says our Senior Campaigns Manager, Natasha Smith. “We are determined to continue the fight, and we are optimistic about this huge next step to help Ban Live Exports.”
If you haven’t already, please urge the Scottish Government to drop their defence of this cruel trade.